A Study of Black and White Images

There's something beautiful about black and white images.  They cause us to look at photos in a different way.  They can convey beauty that colored images cannot.

Their graininess gives the picture a raw authenticity, rather than being merely a poorly lit subject.
They make us more aware of the distinct angles and shapes of the subject.
They can show extreme contrasts of light and dark that would otherwise be unpleasant in color.
Their blurred subjects look like an art technique, rather than an error of slow shutter speed.

The shades of black, grey, and white are like the blue, green, and brown hues of the sea--they are boring by themselves, but put together they create a depth that attracts the eye.  I feel that by taking the color away, which our eyes are naturally drawn to, I'm forced to look deeper for what makes that photo artistic.  There's lots of room for creativity in black and white images, and that's why I love them so much.


  1. Yes to everything you said. I haven't shot in black-and-white for so long, but every time I see one it just feels powerful.

    1. A lot of these were actually shot in color, and then I edited them to black and white... It takes some gut to shoot in monochrome, because then you'll never know what it would've looked like in color. I should probably embrace that, though!

  2. These are beautiful shots of yours. I too have always loved black & white images.

  3. My favorite is the one at the piano. :)

    1. I have so many photos of hands on the piano. My siblings have really cool, angular fingers, so I love photographing them!

  4. Happy to find this beautiful blog. Bless you!
